Street Scrubbing

This year street scrubbing will take place on Van Altena Ave on Friday at 3p. and on Main street between the Het Museum and the Windmill on Saturday at 1p.

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Why scrub streets?

It’s always a question that is asked and the best answers we have are:

  1. During market days a shop keeper wanted their shop to look its best.

  2. Dutch wives are known to be obsessive about cleanliness. It’s why we use Old Dutch Cleanser (Seriously)

  3. If you are having people visit you, you want to make sure the place looks good.

  4. It’s fun!

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How many gallons of water do you use?

Every drop, seriously on main street there are about seven station of four barrels. The barrels hold about fifty gallons. So we use about 150 gallons on Friday and 1400 on Saturday.

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